Unconventional Ways to Boost Productivity

There are all sorts of productivity hacks circulating the internet. In the era of remote work, it’s needed more than ever. The usual tips instruct us to unplug from technology or play classical music. And while these can certainly help, there are plenty of other ways to boost your productivity levels — ways that are much more fun.

If you’ve been bit by the unproductive bug, here are some unconventional ways to get the ball rolling again:

add plants

Procrastinate systematically

Our Procrastination and Why Being Busy is Not Productive article already covered, well, procrastination. You might have learned that postponing an important task is never a good idea, especially since it might lead to more unproductivity. But sometimes, one particular task seems too daunting to even attempt.

One way to curb this is to procrastinate in a structured manner. Simply work on another task on your to-do list, then come back to that one important task. Chances are, after finishing a couple of easier things in your agenda, that tedious one will seem far more manageable.


Micro-reward yourself

Learning to reward yourself for completing what you set out to accomplish can do wonders for your productivity. And it doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Stick to small gifts for yourself and save the big prizes for bigger milestones.

Your micro-reward can be something as simple as your favorite treat or one episode of the series you’re currently watching. Just don’t go overboard with it by indulging every step you take. Again, be systematic, even in the way you pat yourself on the back.


Surround yourself with plants

Sprucing your home office with greens actually comes with a lot of benefits. Libby Sander cites several studies in an article on the benefits of nature in your workspace. One study found that bringing plants into the workspace increased productivity by 15%. There was also an improvement in employee concentration and workplace satisfaction. In fact, simply seeing nature has been proven to increase both mood and self-esteem.

If you want some low-maintenance plants, here are a few options:

  • Cactus plants
  • Succulents
  • Cast-iron plant
  • Spider plant
  • Aloe vera


Try using a standing desk.

Here’s another thing you can tweak in your workspace: your desk. Replace that rickety old thing with a sturdy new standing desk. A feature on Pain Free Working explains that it’s simply a desk with adjustable height, so you really don’t need to be stuck on your feet if they start to ache. But it’s nice to be able to switch between standing and sitting when you work.

Studies show that home offices are simply not equipped with the right work furniture and equipment. Most notably, people worked with the wrong chair and monitor heights and improperly adjusted armrests. With a standing desk, you’ll have the freedom to alter your workspace as you please and even stimulate your mind. And with a more comfortable and ergonomic office, you’re more likely to be productive.


Take a quick nap

Inc highlights how power naps could be the solution to a bout of low productivity. A study from Harvard Medical School even found mid-day naps to be more effective than sleeping more at night or having a cup of coffee.

On a slow afternoon, try taking a 20- or 30-minute nap as a pick-me-up. Just don’t forget to set the alarm!


Complete an exercise routine

In a feature on exercise, CNet cites the benefits of doing physical activity in the morning. Working out when you wake up can improve your energy levels, alertness, focus, and decision-making capabilities. These translate to better productivity during the day.

Additionally, exercising in the morning also releases endorphins, which are happy hormones. This can keep you in a good mood sans the coffee!

Here are a couple of quick exercises you can do:

  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Push-ups
  • Burpees
  • Planks

Final Words

Try some of these out and see if they work for you! Remember that boosting productivity still depends largely on the individual. So, what works for others might not work for you. Still, they’re worth giving a shot!

Exclusively written for utilityavenue.com by Thea Thompson

Author bio: Thea Thompson is a full-time freelancer in the copywriting and graphic design industries. When she isn’t looking for gigs, she’s baking pastries with too much sugar in them.

7 Myths Uncovered About Small Businesses

Entrepreneurs are inspiring. They run on passion, motivation, ideals, and optimism. Gandhi was right. You have to be the change you want to see in the world. The truth is there is no easy path to entrepreneurial success when trying to get out of the rat race and the nine-to-five. It is absolutely worthwhile, but it is a lot of hard work.

On the journey to become your own boss, there are many myths about life as an entrepreneur and business owner.

Let’s check some of those myths and misconceptions, according to Entrepreneur.

entrepreneur myths

Myth No. 1: “I’ll have more time to do what I want.”

A new business demands so much more than a nine-to-five mentality. Yes, you may get to take your kids to the orthodontist and after-school activities, but to be successful, you have to embrace the concept that being an entrepreneur is a lifestyle, not a job. Every new (and not so new) business owner has had the same experience. So prepare yourself for the long haul for immense demands on your time.

Myth No. 2: “If I create a website, I’ll get traffic.”

Web traffic is based on several factors, all of which must be in place for the various search engines to find your site and attract the kind of customers you want to reach. It’s not about what you think will work. It’s about what your customers are looking for.

The best course of action? Work with professionals, people who are informed about the latest developments in web design, web copywriting, and SEO (search engine optimization). You’ll also need to research the right keywords and put good, meaningful content on each page. The search engines like accurate and distinctive copy that articulates what your business offers in a way that makes sense to the people you want to do business with.

Myth No. 3: “I don’t need a marketing plan or marketing materials. This product/service sells itself.”

Stephanie Chandler, a Sacramento, California-based entrepreneur and the author of The Business Startup Check List & Planning Guide, agrees. “Marketing is an investment in your business,” says Chandler. “If you’re doing it right, it pays itself back and then some.” To get the process started for her own business, Chandler says she hired a professional to design her logo. Taking cues from Nike and other well-established brands, she then developed a basic branding strategy and campaign to get her company’s name out to the public over and over again to build recognition of her firm.

Myth #4: Starting a Business will Allow for More Free Time  

Many startups have the theory that, because founders are their own managers, they will be able to control their schedule and work at their convenience. In fact, the complete opposite is true. All the efforts of owning and operating a business, particularly a startup, are ultra-time-consuming. When successful entrepreneurs look back on a successful business they created, they will all tell you that they worked harder for themselves than they ever did for anyone else. 

Myth #5: Being Unique is the Name of the Game

This myth is particularly frustrating to individuals who have seen this misconception ruin a small business. Everyone wants to come up with the “next big thing” or have the “next great idea.” Ironically, successful startups are not all about being unique; most successful small businesses piggyback on the ideas of others. Sometimes, success comes from being a follower and not a leader, especially if it’s your first time around the block as an entrepreneur. If you are a small business owner, realize that the small business success equation for an untested idea, service, or product may have too many moving pieces for a small team to manage. Many startups look at what has worked well for predecessors and subsequently looked at those predecessors’ failures and successes. With this knowledge, a startup or small business learns from those failures and mistakes and makes sure their respective business doesn’t fail in the same ways and excels where success was achieved. 

Myth #6: If you build it, they will Come

Life is not always fair. So, even if you have a fantastic idea, work hard, do your best and offer your product or service at a reasonable price, you might not make it a business. Sometimes, in a small number of cases, hard work does pay off, but that is rare. While counterintuitive, your small business should focus far more on marketing itself. Marketing is absolute, and we cannot emphasize that enough. 

Myth #7: If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re a Lone Wolf

It’s the “American land of opportunity,” thinking that entrepreneurs are here to disrupt the status quo with magnificent ideas. This is not a truism- it is far more accurate that entrepreneurs are not revolutionary solo acts but rather incredible team players and team builders. Let’s look at one solid example just for clarification: Steve Jobs and Apple.  Jobs was a visionary, but he did not build Apple by himself- he had the assistance of many other talented individuals. 

As you can see, many myths surround the life of entrepreneurs and small business owners. As I work on this blog post at 2 am, I see you, my fellow entrepreneur. 

I see you, and I admire you.

Keep hustling.

Become a Photographer with Utility Avenue

Recently, we shared an article about how to become a dog groomer with Utility Avenue, and it was well-received. This week, we decided to share 8 things you need to become a photographer.

A business requires more than your passion and skills; it also needs equipment, legal documents, and strategies to become profitable. With these 8 must-have things every photographer needs for their business, you can market your services, book more clients, and earn more income.

product photography by Odette PhotoArt
LaBoue Shop, by Odette PhotoArt

8 Must-Have Things Every Photographer Needs for Their Business

Aside from enhancing your shooting skills, you also need to invest in camera gear, a portfolio, as well as editing and storage tools. Additionally, you must have logistical and technical investments such as a marketing plan, branding, payment systems, and legal documents to operate a successful photography business.

Whether you’re a newbie photographer or a seasoned one looking to level up your business, these things can make your business more professional and rewarding.


One of the things that prevent photographers from managing an efficient business is the lack of proper editing software. Photoshoots and post-processing come hand-in-hand, so you need a reliable editing program like Adobe Lightroom.

You can learn how to use presets to adjust your images which helps streamline editing. After that, you can catalog your files for easy exporting.


A marketing strategy can help you create a plan to effectively sell your products and services while also catering to the needs of customers. You can try these ways to step up your marketing plans.

  • Boost online presence: With the pandemic driving more people to go online, you need to expose your work on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok, and LinkedIn.
  • Connect with circles: One of the most effective ways to market yourself is to showcase your skills to those close to you. They could be your neighbors, officemates, or even a fellow parent at your kid’s school.


Every photographer must invest in high-quality camera equipment. While you don’t need the most expensive equipment on the market, it is important that you find gear that is reliable. The last thing you want happening is a piece of gear to stop working while you’re in the middle of a session.

Here’s a list of camera equipment to consider:

  • Camera
  • Lenses
  • Lighting
  • Tripod
  • Chargers and extra batteries
  • Reflectors
  • Camera bag
  • Backdrops


Backing up your files is important to ensure the safety of the pictures. If you have an internet connection, you can also use online storage platforms such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Pro tip: Backup your images to more than one place! Hard drives crash, so don’t let this be the only place you’re storing your RAW files. Consider using both a hard drive and uploading images to the Cloud to have multiple backups available.


If you already have a portfolio, update it using new photographs depending on the market you want to attract. For example, highlight your best product photos if you want to work with families who created a small business in this pandemic.

Suppose you want to collaborate with vendors for intimate wedding ceremonies and birthday parties. You can highlight even your pre-pandemic shots, as long as they show intimate celebrations.

If you’re going to use a website, make sure that visitors can easily access it and navigate your galleries, blogs, and other relevant matters.


Branding is another must-have because it helps build client perception about your photography business. Likewise, it tells people what to expect from your products and services.

The goal is to use branding to distinguish your business from competitors. Hence, it’s essential that your name and logo identify what your business offers. Print and digital collaterals should guide people in understanding your work.


Across the world, 41.8% of people use a digital wallet. About 24.6% prefer credit cards, while only 10.6% use debit cards. With several payment options available, it’s crucial that you keep up with these innovations to provide the best customer service.


Making your business legal sets you apart from other businesses. While the process can be time-consuming, putting effort into making your business legal can protect you and your customers. Find time to secure a business license, contracts, and insurance policies.


Yes, it is a lot of work, but it is so worthwhile.

With your photography skills and operational investments, you can manage a small business legally and systematically. While these may mean shelling out money upfront, these purchases can get your small business growing faster to bring in more clients and money.

And don’t forget to list your services, for FREE, in the Utility Avenue app so you can reach more potential clients.

This article was first published here

Guest blog post by Angela Brown, from Shootproof.

Spotlight: Lesette Jackson

Lesette Jackson is in the Spotlight this week.

What can you tell us about yourself?

I am Lesette Jackson (known as Lee).
A wellness practitioner, herbalist, healer, and advisor, I launched Conscious Lee in 2015. I am also a paralegal with a health and human services background, and I have worked in the medical field for over 20 years. I make products such as body soaps, body butters, body oils, sea moss, herbal teas, and crystal infused candles.
My passions are my family, nature, spirituality, and helping you live your best life!

What were the origins of your business?

This journey began after a type 2 diabetes and hypertension diagnosis. My doctor gave me 6 weeks to make changes. I realized I was neglecting myself. Then, I implemented detoxes (green smoothies and herbal regiments only), flushed out my system, started going to the gym, and incorporated sea moss and herbs into my diet. I focused on what I was putting in my body, increased my water intake, and eliminated things that were not good for me.

What aspects of your background have helped you the most?

As women, we need to feel better and take care of ourselves. Mom, wife, and daughter roles are taxing because there is so much responsibility. Women have to use nature to help us. We have so many natural remedies. Westernized medication is not effective. Black women need to take advantage of holistic options. Nature is the remedy to all, not prescriptions. I push accurate and beneficial information. I also provide a healthy alternative for cures and prevention.

What were the main challenges you encountered at the beginning?

Being a Latina-Black woman, financing for women of color (banks, credit unions); businessmen who do not take me seriously; lack of support/backing; pushback from those who don’t see me equal; those who prefer Westernized medication instead of natural remedies.

Who was the most supportive of your idea?

The most supportive was my immediate family, close friends, and repeat customers.

Have there been any changes in your business approach after Covid-19?

Yes, clients are more conscious of health. People are more interested in alternative wellness options. I have seen an increase in customer interest in holistic options.

What makes your offer unique?

I am honest, and I share my personal experience acknowledging my shortcomings and not hiding failures. I build trust with clients because I have used the products and implemented the recommendations I make to my clients.

Do you have any other passions?

I am passionate about spirituality, my family, and respect for life, all forms of life.

If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

I would not have ruined my credit!

What challenges do you see ahead?

Rebuilding my credit.

What future projects does your business have?

We are planning a podcast, a new line of products, and a spiritual Spa.

What message would you send to your followers?

Whatever you do, do it consciously.

If you were to define your business in one sentence, how would you do it?

Authentically balance: mentally and spiritually.

Contact Info


Utility Avenue’s Spotlight focuses on promoting inspiring businesses every week. For a chance to be interviewed, contact us at support@utilityavenue.com with the subject Spotlight.

The Ultimate List of Unique Christmas Gifts

Unique Christmas gifts for you! Shop small this holiday season!

For the holidays, I decided to share the ultimate list of the incredible gifts I have encountered in the past few months.

I have curated a list of shops that feature artists, and small shops that inspire me.

Check out the amazing products these businesses have to offer.

You never know… you might fall in love and find a perfect unique gift

Cloud 9 Design

High design home products by Sam Golchha.

Perfect for: HER, HIM.


cloud 9 design pillow
Photo by Odette Photo+Art

Sumabat Creations

⛰Home Accessories adorned with Crystals

⛰Made in Alaska

Perfect for: HER


sumabat creations
Photo by Odette Photo+Art


From engraved necklaces to engraved rings, hand-stamped jewelry

and accessories to lift your spirits and express your thoughts.

If you love customizing gifts, this is a great option.

Perfect for: HER, HIM, KIDS


wander necklace
Photo by Odette Photo+Art

Nymph in the Woods

Wire Wrapped Jewelry by Sara

Wearable art that helps you show off your true self & meet the day with confidence!

This green necklace is such a statement piece! Everyone compliments it!

Perfect for: HER


nymph on the woods
Photo by Odette Photo+Art

The NapTime Artist

Maryland Art by Rachel Alvarez


Perfect for: those faraway friends


rachel alvarez art
Photo by Odette Photo+Art


Unique Gifts made with wood, magic, and creativity

57pc Fraction Montessori Puzzle home school

Good for: Kids and your mom friends who are homeschooling right now.


Photo by Odette Photo+Art

Christmas Gifts by Odette Photo+Art


Contact Odette Photo+Art here if you want to turn any of your cellphone photos into works of art.

Photo by Odette Photo+Art

Image Restoration by Odette Photo+Art

Jenny wants to preserve her family history.

Jenny sends me these “old treasures” for me to restore.

We make magic.

Be like Jenny!

Surprise everyone by saving the memories of your family!

See more of OPA photo restoration services here.

restored image
Image Restoration by Odette Photo+Art

Photo Session with Odette Photo+Art

Give the gift of memories!

Buy a session or a gift card for a session with Odette Photo+Art.

Mention Utility Avenue, and you will get a FREE 8×10 print.

christmas session
Photo by Odette Photo+Art


This article was published first here https://www.odettephotoart.com/blog/the-ultimate-christmas-gift-list/

Spotlight: KVP Custom Orthotics

KVP Custom Orthotics

For this week’s Spotlight, we want to present you a company that leads the veterinary marketplace when it comes to custom orthotics: KVP Custom Orthotics

KVP Custom Orthotics
KVP Custom Orthotics


What can you tell us about KVP Custom Orthotics?

We founded KVP Custom Orthotics in 1964. KVP entered the veterinary marketplace with the introduction of its Saf-T-Shield™ Elizabethan Collar. Widely praised by veterinarians and their technicians as innovative, highly effective, and a great value, the Saf-T-Shield™ collar set the standard for every KVP product that would follow. More than 50 years later, KVP offers the world’s largest selection of recovery collars — from mice to mastiffs.

Our product line doesn’t stop there. We have the world’s largest selection of recovery collars, quality surgical supplies, and effective patient care products. KVP proudly carries the full KONG® catalog, including the veterinary-exclusive KONG® Blue™ as well as products from the well-loved brands FURminator® and Nature’s Miracle™.

What makes your offer unique?

We deliver the best quality braces, and I will write original good quality content for your website.

What are the advantages of online Orthopedic Braces for dogs?

After surgery, your dog will heal quicker. When your dog undergoes surgery, the brace is a perfect way to help them heal faster. This knee brace enables routine healing and new scar tissue development, which dramatically decreases re-injury risk. Often, your dog will avoid surgery. An older dog is often not suitable for surgery, so you need to consider an alternative method. Likewise, many pet owners prefer to avoid surgery because it is costly and presents a risk of further severe complications.
Quality knee brace = No surgery
It is more likely that your dog won’t need surgery with the right knee brace because the knee will probably recover.
Your dog can lead a happy and safe life.
The greatest excuse to get your dog a knee brace is to be able to go back to being the fun-loving, happy puppet they used to be. Much like humans, dogs are not themselves when they are distressed. A knee brace makes them feel better, right away, and in the long term, and not every dog knee brace will offer you these benefits.

What braces are options available?

Here you have two options for orthopedic braces.

  • A knee brace that is ready to ship and can be at your home as early as tomorrow
  • Custom orthopedic braces for dogs (fitting knee brace) can better accommodate your dog but takes a few more days to deliver. Either way, your furry pal is going to be ecstatic again. A happy pet means a more joyful and satisfied You!

Have there been any changes in your business approach after Covid-19?

Yes, we have become more cautious and taking all the necessary precautions to help our clients. For us, clients are like our family members.

What challenges do you see ahead?

Challenges are never going to stop, and we, as a team, believe in overcoming each of them to make the best of the time we have at present.

What future projects does your business have?

Making better dog braces and try to make it affordable for everybody out there to help out the Dogs because we love pets.

What message would you send to your followers?

Please take care, be safe in such difficult times, stay with your family/friends, and support each other mentally and physically.

If you were to define your business in one word, how would you do it?


Is there anything you would like to add?

All I want is to help out as many people as possible with the right knowledge and experience that I’ve gained.

Where can you find orthopedic braces for dogs?

Mainly, after some injury, your dog off-balanced sloppily sits on one side or tries keeping the leg up while it attempts to run. The reason behind this might be that your dog has torn the
cranial cruciate ligament (CCL).
It is the leading orthopedic condition in dogs. Many dogs appear to have trouble walking, either due to injury, old age, or chronic genetic disorders.
You can make their condition better using a knee brace, which can provide your dog with a comfortable and relaxed feeling. There are several ways to find orthopedic braces for dogs, but nowadays, the online option is the best, accessible, affordable, and effortless.

KVP Custom Orthotics’s Contact Info


Utility Avenue’s Spotlight focuses on promoting inspiring businesses every week. For a chance to be interviewed, contact us at support@utilityavenue.com with the subject Spotlight.

Best Online Teaching Jobs

Online teaching jobs are all the rage right now. If you’ve considered teaching online, this is definitely the time to do it. The pandemic has shown educators that they’re capable of more than they ever thought possible. So many have discovered they actually really enjoy teaching online. So that begs the question – where are the best online teaching jobs? And what are the best companies to work for?

In this article, you’ll learn all about the top 5, absolute best teaching jobs out there. Then, pick the path that’s best for you!

Let’s get into it.

Best Online Teaching Jobs

Online Teaching Jobs with Magic Ears

Being a teacher for Magic Ears seriously is one of the best online teaching jobs out there in 2020.

This online ESL company doesn’t get enough love.

Firstly, it’s important to note that Magic Ears is one of the highest online English teaching jobs out there!

Did that get your attention? Good, because there’s more.

Secondly, their platform is super fun and engaging. Kids love using it, and teachers enjoy facilitating instruction with it.

Thirdly, they have a very flexible cancellation policy. This is especially great if you want to teach English online with multiple companies or teach full-time at a brick-and-mortar school.

As online teaching jobs go, Magic Ears is one of our favorite companies.


To be hired, applicants must:

  • Passionate about teaching! The smiles should come through. 🙂
  • Be an English native speaker from the U.S. or Canada.
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree or higher in any subject, or be a student actively pursuing a bachelor’s degree (must provide official transcript)
  • Have a 120-hour ESL Certification*
  • ESL/teaching experience preferred

Please note that they are currently holding California residents’ applications due to AB5 restrictions (as are most other companies that hire home-based, online English teachers).

Technology Requirements

After you consider your personal qualifications, you should consider the technology you have available to you.

  • Computer with: CPU: i5-6200 and newer generations.
  • At least 4GB RAM
  • Stable internet connection with: Upload speed: 5Mbps. Download speed: 20Mbps.
  • An “over-the-ears” headset with microphone.

Please note that teachers cannot use in-ear headphones to teach classes.

Application Process

This image is directly from their website, and it outlines the application process with Magic Ears:

When you apply, allow up to 2 business days for processing at each step.

Throughout the application process, there are two places where you can find updates on your application’s status:

  1. The email with which you applied (check your spam folder).
  2. The Teacher Portal

Once you start the application process on the teacher portal, you can use the “Contact Us” link in your portal to easily reach out to Magic Ears when needed.


The payment system for most online teaching companies can be a bit confusing.

Their base pay ranges from $7.50-$10 per class depending on qualifications.

With the two available bonuses, your base pay can rise to $9.50-$12 per class for a total of $19-$24/hr. Most online teachers with Magic Ears are earning between $17 and $26 per hour.

The photo below better explains the pay structure for Magic Ears:

top 5 online teaching jobs


Online Teaching Jobs with iTutor Group

iTutor definitely ranks as being one of the best online teaching jobs available in 2020!

One teacher in our group made over $1,000 in ten days, just from teaching online with iTutor Group.

Imagine what you could do in a month!

Unlike other online teaching jobs, the company schedules bookings for you.

This means it’s easy for new teachers to break into the market and earn quickly.


To to be hired, applicants must:

  • Uniquely, iTutor Group does not require teachers to be native speakers.
  • Bachelor’s degree or higher
  • TESL, TEFL, or TESOL certification
  • Minimum 5 hours of availability per week during peak times in China.

Please note that they are currently holding California residents’ applications due to AB5 restrictions (as are most other companies that hire home-based, online English teachers).

Technology Requirements

After you consider your personal qualifications, you should consider the technology you have available to you.

  • Desktop/Laptop PC: Intel Core2 Duo processor or better (no netbook or tablet).
  • Windows operating system: Windows 7 or 8 Internet Explorer web browser: Version 9 or higher. Mac: OS 10.11.12 or above (no iPad)
  • RAM: 2GB or more
  • Internet Speed: Minimum 800 Kbps download, and 500 Kbps upload wired internet connection: Cable, DSL, or Fiber Optics (no wireless connection).
  • Webcam: Either built-in or preferably high quality Creative, Logitech, or comparable.

Please note that teachers cannot use in-ear headphones to teach classes.

Application Process

The application process for iTutor Group is very straightforward.

  1. Apply (very quickly!)
  2. Select an interview time (you’ll be contacted if you pass the initial screening)
  3. You’ll hear back about your interview result quickly – usually, it’s a matter of days.
  4. Once you’re good to go, you’ll set your availability and start teaching!


Your payment includes a basic rate, with incentives added on top of that.

Performance bonuses compound upon each other each month, depending on some factors, including how students rate you and how often you teach.

Online Teaching Jobs with GoGo Kid

Online teachers who work with GoGo Kid often cite how much the company cares for its employees.

This is why we’ve included it on our best-of list of online teaching jobs for 2020.

Another factor that sets GoGo Kid apart is the fact that you can teach online with GoGo Kid from anywhere in the world, so long as you’re eligible to be hired with them.

GoGo Kid has some of the most flexible requirements of any online ESL teaching company out there. However, it also means it can be competitive.

Be sure that you read all of the requirements and follow all instructions correctly the first time!


To teach online with GoGo Kid, applicants should:

  • Hold at least a Bachelor’s degree.
  • Have at least one year of experience working with children
  • Have a stable internet connection
  • Be willing to communicate not only with the students but also with the parents.

Technology Requirements

After you consider your personal qualifications, you should consider the technology you have available to you.

  • System: Mac OS 10.8x or higher. Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or higher.
  • Memory & CPU: At least 4GB RAM, Intel Core i3 above
  • HD External camera or HD integrated camera.
  • A headset with a microphone, stable output, and input
  • Wired DSL Internet Connection – at least 20 Mbps

Application Process

The application process for GoGo Kids is also very easy compared to other online teaching jobs out there.

  1. Complete an online application (Sign up + Basic Information)
  2. Schedule an interview
  3. Attend an orientation program
    • a. Orientation Quiz
    • b. One-to-Many Live Training Session
    • c. One-on-One Mock Class Training Session
  4. Submit the paperwork
  5. Sign the contract


Your payment includes a basic rate, with incentives added on top of that.

Performance bonuses compound upon each other each month, depending on several factors, including how students rate you and how often you teach.

Check out their payment matrix below:

Class Payment Per Class Remarks
Base Pay(Level 1) USD 7~10 based on your credentials and interview performance.
Base Pay(Level 2) USD 7~10 based on your credentials and interview performance.
Credit Score(Level 3) USD (7~10)+($1.5~$2)*100% Today’s Credit Score and Classes Completed Today
Credit Score(Level 4) USD (7~10)+($1.5~$2)*110% Today’s Credit Score and Classes Completed Today
Credit Score(Level 5) USD (7~10)+($1.5~$2)*125% Today’s Credit Score and Classes Completed Today
Total per one hour USD 14~25


Online Teaching Jobs with Q Kids

QKids is known in the online teacher world as having one of the most flexible cancellation policies.

Limited Attendance policies require 24-hour notice for schedule changes and a minimum of 5-hour notice to maintain overall attendance fee eligibility.

This makes it a great supplementary income stream for educators teaching online through other platforms.

The teaching style is also different, as everything is taught through games and play.


To teach online with Q Kids, an applicant should be:

  • Eligible to legally work in the U.S. or Canada
  • Holding a Bachelor’s degree
  • Certified with a teaching license or holding an English teaching certificate (TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, ESL)
  • These are all required before lessons are assigned.

Technology Requirements

As it is with any online teaching company, technology requirements must be considered.

Here are the minimum technology requirements for those seeking online teaching jobs with Q Kids:

  • Minimum upload speed: 2Mbps. Minimum download speed: 4Mbps.
  • Test your speed here: http://www.speedtest.net/
  • *Cable connection is recommended.

Application Process

Here’s the application process with Q Kids:

  1. Apply with all required materials
  2. Initial screening
  3. Demo Interview 1
  4. Demo Interview 2
  5. Trial Classes & Background Check
  6. Secure your contract!


Q Kids has an involved pay structure, so see the full details laid out below:

  • $4 base pay for standby lessons (approximately 10 minutes with no teaching required).
  • $1 Performance incentive for each lesson based on family review
  • $1 Attendance Bonus for each lesson once a minimum of 15 lessons are taught in a week.

Online Teaching Jobs with VIP KID

Of course, I’d be remiss to exclude VIP KID when discussing online teaching jobs!

VIP KID is possibly the juggernaut of the industry.

On top of being one of the most popular TESL company, they also offer multiple revenue streams to teachers.

On top of teaching English online, you can earn incentives for completing classes and recruiting other people to become VIP KID teachers!


To be eligible to apply for VIP KID, you must have:

  • A Bachelor’s degree (can be in any field)
  • Work authorization for the U.S. or Canada
  • Two years of experience teaching, coaching, tutoring, and/or mentoring
  • Highly reliable technology

Technology Requirements

Since VIP KID is such a well-established company, it has a reputation to uphold.

This means they have some pretty weighty technical requirements:

  • Desktop, Laptop, Macbook, iPad, or Microsoft Surface (no Chromebooks)
  • Windows 7, 8, and 10; Mac OS 10.X or higher operating system (Linux and Chrome OS are NOT supported by VIPKid)
  • Intel i5 processor or higher
  • 8GB RAM or higher
  • Fast and stable internet connection will make a smooth teaching and learning experience. Ideally, a wired high-speed internet connection of ≥ 25 Mb/s

Application Process

Here’s the application process with Q Kids:

  1. Apply with all required materials
  2. Initial screening
  3. Demo Interview 1
  4. Demo Interview 2
  5. Trial Classes & Background Check
  6. Secure your contract!


Here are all of the ways to maximize your income with VIP KID:

  • The base pay rate is $7-$9 per class
  • $1 attendance bonus per class
  • Extra $0.50 for every class taught after teaching a minimum of 30 lessons in a month
  • Extra $1 for every class taught after teaching 45 classes in a month



Brittany Verlenich published this guest post first here: https://travelingteachers.co/2020/08/06/the-5-best-online-teaching-jobs-in-2020/

Join the Traveling Teachers community. They’re committed to helping you find your perfect path to teaching online.

Utility Avenue’s Spotlight focuses on promoting inspiring businesses every week. For a chance to be interviewed, contact us at support@utilityavenue.com with the subject Spotlight.

How to Make More Extra Money Before Christmas

Make more extra money before Christmas.

The most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner.

But you might already be looking for moneymaker ideas so you can get more cash for those Christmas presents for family and friends.

Look no further. We have made a list of some ideas to make more extra money before December 25th!

make money for Christmas

1. Work from Home

Working from home might be your holy grail if you want to work from the comfort of your own home. There are countless companies hiring customer representatives, and there are other attractive options. Check this article to find out about the 10 best work-from-home jobs to make money now. And if you are new to the world of working in your pajamas, check this Remote Newbie Guide to work from home that we created for you.

10 Best Work-From-Home Jobs to Make Money Now

The Remote Newbie Guide to Work-From-Home

2. Make Money with Your Car

You can start driving for Uber or Lyft. But newsflash, if you offer your riding services with Utility Avenue, you can transport people, but you can also deliver groceries, parcels, lunch. The sky is the limit.

3. Declutter and get rid of pre-loved items.

Our houses are full of items we don’t use anymore. This might be an excellent opportunity to declutter and Mary Kondo your home and make extra cash in the process.

4. Become a Website Tester

For this, we would recommend UserTesting. Most testing tasks last 15-20 minutes, and you earn 10 dollars per review. Definitely handy.

5. Become a Pet Sitter

We have mentioned it in several blog entries. If you love pets, you can make extra money when you pet sit, especially for the holidays when there will be traveling involved.

6. Sell your crafts 

The sky is the limit when you are creative. You can make and sell your crafts: jewelry, personalized ornaments, Christmas wreaths, gift baskets, watercolors, printables, candles. Anything that can be personalized is a great Christmas present. You can open a store on Amazon, Etsy, or Shopify to reach more clients.

7. Turn your hustle into a business.

Check this blog post to find out if you can turn your hobby into a moneymaker. And, if you are already monetizing your hobby, read this article to find out if it’s an excellent time to turn your side hustle into a business. To start, or not start, a business. THAT’s the question.

12 Hobbies that can be Moneymakers

To Start or Not To Start a Business: That is the Question

8. Become a Virtual Assistant

You can help small businesses with anything from project management to social media marketing.

9. Become a Copywriter or a Proofreader.

Most businesses need to create sales pages, whitepapers, articles. It can be a good niche for you to specialize if you can provide copywriting or proofreading services, and you can do that from home.

10. Find Work On Side Gig Apps

You can find several side gig apps to offer any service, from photography to proofreading, for example, Thumbtack, Fiverr, and TaskRabbit. You can also check Utility Avenue and find out if it’s a fit for you. Our platform only charges a flat fee of 0.50 cents per service sold, so you can make more money when you provide a service. Read this article if you want to know more details about our platform.

11. Reduce Your Bills.

A good option would be to save money. Find where you are spending money unnecessarily. For example, eliminate those subscriptions you always forget to use and call your service providers to find out if there are current deals so you can reduce your bill payments.

12. Get Cashback with Rakuten.

Earn cashback when shopping at your favorite online stores. For example, with this Rakuten affiliate link, you’ll get a $30 bonus when you sign up and make a qualifying purchase.

13. Save Your Change.

We live in a pretty much cashless society, but sometimes, you receive some cashback. You could save that money. At the end of the year, you might save a fair amount.

Final words about how to make extra money before Christmas.

As a last piece of advice, I would also suggest thinking about what makes a great Christmas present. This has been a challenging year for most of us. Maybe material things are not what your family and friends need. Perhaps, they need the gift of experiences or help with a bill—just food for thoughts.