5 Ways to Step Up Your Marketing Strategy in 2021

Step up your marketing strategy in 2021.

The pandemic has changed the way businesses operate this year, prompting the world to think of ‘new normal’ ways. With these five ways to step up your marketing strategy in 2021, you can lead your small business to work remotely, attract a wider audience, and generate increased sales.

5 Ways to Step Up Your Marketing Strategy in 2021

Whether it’s to boost sales or ensure customer retention, managing a business in 2021 involves combining pre and post-COVID marketing strategies. By embracing automation, developing useful content, and fortifying your brand, you can make your business stay relevant in the coming year and drive value to your products or services.


The pandemic has pushed 58% of the world’s population to go online to work, study, and connect. Creating an eye-catching logo or a witty business name wouldn’t do the trick alone; you need a website that would enable you to reach a wider audience.

  • Showcase your best creations and beat the competition. For instance, one of the most effective marketing strategies for photographers is to add visuals to their content to prove the quality of work.
  • Use photographs that would show how your business can help individuals or companies navigate through global change.
  • Introduce yourself as a relatable small business owner who can contribute to families and communities. You can also present your team and show working conditions through photos.


About 77% of internet users read blogs, making blogs the 5th most trustworthy online information source. Creating relevant content positions you as an expert in your industry, allowing your personal branding to subconsciously speak to consumers.

Blog content like how-to guides, listicles, and instructional images build audience trust that you have a solid foundation about your niche or industry.


About 82% of marketers gained a return on investment due to marketing automation’s cost-effectiveness. Working from home can sometimes blur the line between personal and business hours. When it’s time to rest or bond with your family, mailing list providers like Mailchimp lets you keep up with clients and networks.


Building a business network is an unending process. Your personal and virtual circles can be your most valuable marketing assets to grow clientele in 2021.

  • Dive into the online world and attend conferences, webinars, or peer groups where you can meet new clients.
  • Collaborate with your local community. These may be family, neighbors, or other businesses in your area.
  • Use social media if you’re working on a tight budget. With the lockdown causing about 3 billion people to use Facebook’s apps, you can gain traffic and response by engaging with your followers and friends list.

Running a business is like taking care of a family — it needs your patience, presence, and attention to nourish it. Likewise, engaging with customers is like parents connecting with their children; it requires participation, authenticity, and personal voice.


Managing a business isn’t a solo project. You’ll need support in various forms — family, friends, business partners, connections, mentors, and clients. Giving out incentives is one of the best ways to make the collaboration mutually beneficial, with 75% of consumers more likely to purchase again after getting an incentive.

Reward the client’s loyalty or purchase through freebies or discount codes. You can even use your email list for sign-up offers. You can partner with businesses that share your audience and do cross-promotions with them through blog posts, referrals, or exchanging of branding photos.

Lastly, don’t forget to thank everyone; human connection and appreciation can prompt people to remember that you value their contribution to your business.

Final Words

While marketing may seem daunting and overwhelming, planning for it can help seize opportunities, serve customers, and make your brand known. Start with one or two of these tips until you can combine all of them strategically for the coming year. At Utility Avenue, we are committed to help you thrive.

Guest post by Shootproof

This article was published first in Odette Photo+Art

Want to save taxes? These moves may cost you college financial aid.

Year-end tax planning with a college-bound kid? Common tax moves for your small business that can save you taxes but may cost your chances for financial aid.

As we approach year-end, there’s no shortage of articles on different tax moves one can make. Your CPA or tax professional may have suggested some to lower your tax bill. When you have a kid about to go to college, however, things can get tricky. Your well-intentioned CPA or tax professional may end up costing you aid and raising the cost of college!

*** Please note that this article is not intended as tax advice. Please consult your own tax professional or financial advisor to discuss your specific circumstances. ***

Before we detail the differences between taxes and financial aid, it’s important to understand how your financial information is used in the financial aid process. Families submit their income and asset information typically using the FAFSA, and for some schools, the CSS Profile form. The colleges then use the information on those forms, applying different formulas, to determine how much the family can afford for college each year, known as the Expected Family Contribution, or EFC. In the formulas, income is a far bigger factor than assets.

Using the EFC, colleges then determine whether the family qualifies for need-based aid. This type of aid can be in the form of grants, loans, or even work-study. Because these types of aid are based on a family’s financials, some families think they “make too much money to get aid”.

Let’s go a little deeper. The income information used on the financial aid forms is based on the family’s tax return (parent and student, if filed). On the surface, then, anything you might do to save taxes – lowering income, increasing deductions, etc. – would be a smart move. As a famous announcer on a well-known sports TV channel says, “Not so fast my friend”.

There are 3 key areas where taxes and financial aid differ for self-employed and small business owners.

First, the most common area for reducing taxable income is to contribute to a tax-deferred retirement plan, such as a 401k, 403b, or an IRA. Lower taxable income, save on taxes today, and save for retirement – it seems to be a smart financial move. For financial aid, this person would have just hurt themselves. In the simple example below, a parent increases their retirement plan contribution: 


Income $100 $100
Less: Ret Plan Contrib 10 20
Income after contrib 90 80
Less: Taxes (10%) 9 8
Take-home pay 81 72
Fin Aid: Add back ret plan contribution 10 20
Income for fin aid purposes $91 $92


In this simplified example with an assumed tax rate of 10%, increasing the retirement plan contribution results in increasing, not decreasing, the income for financial aid purposes. Higher-income equals higher EFC, which lowers your chances of financial aid.

Retirement plan contributions could be amounts put into a 401k, SEP, SIMPLE, or a personal IRA.

Why would retirement plan contributions be added back? Financial aid income counts as income, regardless of what you do with the money.

This effect is also true for Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA) contributions. On the FAFSA, HSA contributions are added back. On the CSS Profile, both HSA and FSA contributions are added back.

Second, it is common for small business owners and self-employed to reduce the amount of net income (or even showing a small loss) for tax savings purposes through depreciation and other expenses. This may not help.

For colleges using only the FAFSA, which is the majority of colleges and universities, business losses are reported as is. Before you go reducing your income to near zero, there’s a catch. If a non-business owner or self-employed family has an Adjusted Gross Income of $50k or less, they qualify for a simplified EFC calculation. Primarily, this means that the family’s assets are excluded.

For a family that is self-employed or owns a small business that files a Form 1040, Schedule 1, this simplified EFC formula does not apply. A Schedule 1 would reflect self-employment income and income from a small business via Schedule C, business income via Form K-1 on a Schedule E, and rental real estate income on Schedule E.

Third, being a small business owner or self-employed is less friendly for schools using the CSS Profile form. Any business losses are added back as well as depreciation expense. For example, if one parent works a regular W-2 job earning $100k and the other parent is self-employed and reports a tax loss of $100k per year, the tax return would show a zero net income ($100k in income less $100k in loss). For the CSS, that family would have an income of $200k.

The CSS Profile form has other requirements for business owner families, such as reporting the value of the business as well as submitting business tax returns, if filed separately.

In case you’re wondering, the schools that use the CSS Profile form are the Ivy League, near-Ivy League, as well as public Ivy schools, such as the University of Michigan, Univ of Virginia, Univ of North Carolina Chapel Hill, and UMiami.

Bonus item: One other difference between the two forms, though not tax-related, is the reporting of business bank accounts. On the FAFSA, any bank accounts in the name of the business are not reportable. On the CSS, the bank accounts are reportable. Again, the higher the assets, the less aid a family is likely to get.

Despite the differences, there are advantages that business owners and self-employed enjoy when saving and paying for college; I wrote a prior blog post on some strategies.

The bottom line is that while your CPA or tax professional may be well-intentioned and helpful for taxes, they may not help for financial aid and may raise the cost of college. Understanding these differences can help lead to smart decisions balancing tax savings and financial aid.

T. Jack Wang
Financial Wealth Strategist



What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding.

Brand photography is a powerful business tool. It helps you develop your personal brand.

But, what is personal branding?

Personal Brand
Odette Photo+Art Branding session with TrueDent Family Dentistry | www.truedentfamilydentistry.com

Personalbrand.Com defines it as “The intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority in their industry, elevating their credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition, to ultimately advance their career, increase their circle of influence, and have a larger impact.”

They add: “A personal brand is rooted in the minds of people in the market. Personal branding is the effort to communicate and present your value to the world.”

Personal branding is perfect for entrepreneurs, influencers, speakers, professionals, actors, and small business owners. But, building a personal brand isn’t exclusive to them. We all need a compelling personal brand to make an impact in this world.

Before people spend money or do business with you, they like to feel like they know you. Studies show 70-80% of people research a company before doing business. That’s why personal branding is so important. It highlights your unique set of skills, experience, and personality.

How to build a personal brand.

The aim is to create a powerful brand, online and offline. That’s how we build relationships and connections with people throughout the world.

Personal branding tips

1. Sell an experience, not just a product.

Discover what’s special about you and your brand: your unique selling proposition (USP). That’s the secret sauce that will make you stand out from the competition.

2. Show your authentic self.

Your personal brand allows you to show current and potential clients your skillset and strengths. That way, you build trust with the people that matter. This is key to developing a successful personal brand and becoming genuinely influential.

3. Be consistent.

Choose a niche and stick to it. Create the content your audience is interested in, not what you think they want. Then, get your content in front of the right people at the right time in their buyer’s journey.

Personal Branding
Branding session with TrueDent Family Dentistry | www.truedentfamilydentistry.com

Pro tip:

Your social media must be visually appealing on every platform.

Show the real you with professional branding images that will enhance your brand, do the selling for you, and make you money while you sleep.

Tell your story consistently, and more people will engage/follow/share your content.

Branding session with TrueDent Family Dentistry | www.truedentfamilydentistry.com

To build your personal brand, you can ask yourself these questions:

What’s your skillset?

What makes you different?

What’s your niche?

What are your core beliefs and values?

What problem do you solve?

What’s your message?

Who are your ideal clients?

What do you want to be known for?


Check these successful personal branding examples.

Branding session with TrueDent Family Dentistry | www.truedentfamilydentistry.com

Final words about personal branding

By serving and helping your audience, you will build a community of like-minded people that value your skills and sees you as an expert in your industry.

If you are asking yourself when you should start building your personal brand.

The answer is “Now”.

This article was first published in What’s Personal Branding by Odette Photo+Art

Follow Utility Avenue

utility avenue logoBy now, you might know what Utility Avenue is.

Or maybe not! But if you don’t and you want to know more, well, check this article.

What’s Utility Avenue?

Utility Avenue is a community marketplace where you can buy and sell your

Why was Utility Avenue born?

Because we care about you. Because everyone deserves fair pay.

The thing is, most gig-economy platforms (like Uber, Thumbtack, and others) and contractors keep a significant percentage (some even 50%) when you use them to sell your services. If you are the one who does the job, you should be making the most amount of money, am I right?

Nobody likes to lose $$$ to intermediaries.

BUT imagine

if you could turn your hobbies and skills into cash… and make more money doing less work?

You could become a successful business owner doing what you love!
We care about you and, to help, we created Utility Avenue:
A community marketplace for you to buy and sell services, and turn your skills or hobbies into money so you can thrive.

If you are

  • an entrepreneur or a small business owner?
  • a freelancer or need extra income?
  • you have a business idea, but don’t have clients or don’t have the platform?
  • you work for someone who takes a high percentage of your service?
  • you have a service company that has associates instead of employees?

Then, Utility Avenue is for you.



You download our free app. You pay $0.50 cents only when you sell a service.

You list your offers. Manage them effortlessly

You get hired. Reach more clients and be the first person they think of when they need
a service.


We get it – you might say “Ugh, another gig platform”, but when you use Utility Avenue:
– you don’t lose money to an intermediary.
– you communicate directly with the client.
– you get paid, fast and easy, straight to your account.

We only charge 0.50 cents when you sell a service so you can make more money with
less work.

Seriously, if you have five minutes, download the app, list your services… and see for


Make money and save money easily on the same platform.

And if you want to support us and follow us, we would really appreciate it.  Also, our Utility Avenue blog covers a wide range
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Spotlight: Lotus Wellness Center with Uma Alexandra

When there is a will, there is a way, even when people doubt you. Uma Alexandra Beepat is an example. She is the CEO and Owner of the Lotus Wellness Center and The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center. Today, she shares her entrepreneurial journey in Utility Avenue’s weekly Spotlight.

Lotus Wellness Center's CEO Uma Alexandra Beepat
Photo Credit: Julie Socher

What can you tell us about yourself?

My name is Uma Alexandra Beepat. I am the CEO and Owner of the Lotus Wellness Center and The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center. Also, I’m the President of the Manassas Holistic Chamber of Commerce and a Premier doTERRA Consultant. I have owned my center for the past 11 years and have worked on over 10,000 clients in personal sessions. I teach a wide variety of self-development, spiritual and psychic development classes. They are geared mostly to women in their late 30’s to early 60’s who are experiencing a shift in consciousness and desiring more quality in life through service and community.

What were the origins of your business?

While I have always been a psychic medium, my origins in this field started as a licensed massage therapist in 2009. It was through massage of clients that my psychic abilities developed and took my career down a different path.

What were the main challenges at the beginning?

The main challenges at the beginning were all me. I fought this and didn’t want to be in this field. However, I am what they call a natural medium and have had these abilities since birth, so either I learned about myself, or I continued to fight who I was. I, of course, chose the former. Once I committed, things became easier.

Who was the most supportive of your idea?

The most supportive person of my idea of opening a metaphysical wellness center was myself. My friends and family were concerned and didn’t see it thriving. Honestly, I am not mad or upset about it. The lack of support, in the beginning, is what pushed me to succeed. I needed to show everyone that following your calling, however crazy it may sound, is the right path to success and happiness.

What is the primary target audience of your business?

The target audience for my business is specifically men and women between the ages of late 30s to early 60s who are experiencing a spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakening comes to us all when the material things in life no longer soothe or excite us. We want more and desire more in life. That is where I step in as a guide, helping people rediscover themselves, their joys and passions to create a life that is happy, peaceful, and meaningful.

What makes your offer unique?

What makes my offer unique is the nature of the business I am in. Whereas most coaches focus on mindset, I focus on the spiritual aspect of a person and reconnecting them to their soul purpose.

Do you have any other passions?

Honestly, my job is my passion. I can easily work 60-80 hours a week without feeling it or thinking about it. I love helping people, spreading awareness, and creating classes and events that bring joy to people! When I DO have free time, I like to read and spend my days at the beach soaking up the natural energy of the environment.

If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

If I could go back in time, I would not let those of my past who were mean to me or tried to put me and my business down affect me as much. I would give them adequate attention and no more, choosing instead to focus on my business and what I create.

What future projects does your business have?

Currently, I am working on my second book, Chronicles of a Spirit Walker, which details some of my experiences as a psychic medium, including my recent near-death experience in January.

What challenges do you see ahead of you?

Currently, the challenges I face as a small business owner are the same as those who COVID19 affected. As a non-essential business, I face the dilemma most face. My business brings great assistance to the communities we serve. People are suffering, and helping them through this is my main priority. However, as a non-essential business, my doors can be closed at any time as required.

What message would you send to your followers?

I want to tell them that it is my absolute honor and gratitude to serve them. Every time a person books me for a service or attend my classes, I give thanks to them and God for the ability to share joy, peace, and happiness. It is truly what I live for.

Define your business in one sentence.

The Lotus and The Light Metaphysical Center offers classes and services in metaphysical, spiritual, and psychic development to the local Northern Virginia community and online attendees due to our expansion into the online community.

Is there anything you would like to add?

I have two events coming up in October I would love to mention.

  • Living the Awakened Life Retreat is a local retreat held in Manassas at my center on October 16th-18th, and it is based on the principles in my book The Awakened Life.
  • 6-week online mentorship program starting October 11th for those who want to develop their psychic and mediumship abilities.
Lotus Wellness Center's CEO Uma Alexandra Beepat
Photo Credit: Julie Socher


Uma Alexandra Beepat’s Contact Info:

Facebook www.facebook.com/groups/thelotusandthelight 
Instagram www.instagram.com/thelotusandthelight 
Youtube www.youtube.com/thelotusandthelight 
Website www.thelotusandthelight.com 
Email info@thelotusandthelight.com 

Utility Avenue’s Spotlight focuses on promoting inspiring businesses every week. For a chance to be interviewed, contact us at support@utilityavenue.com with the subject Spotlight.

Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Social media as a marketing tool.
social media as a marketing tool
Marketing is essential for the success of a business. It helps you promote your goods and services and draw clientele. Hiring a marketing team should be seen as a cost-effective investment. However, some small businesses and solopreneurs need to focus on DIY marketing, which involves a lot of learning and time. They have to do the marketing themselves while also running the business.

What is social media as a marketing tool?

According to Wikipedia, Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers.”
Social media as a marketing tool is essential, because online marketing will not function without social media. Marketing teams aim at attracting clients on all the different social media platforms.

Why should we use it?

Marketing is a necessary must for companies worldwide. No matter how reliable a marketing team or strategy may be, social media as a marketing tool will increase your possibility of success exponentially.
An article in LYFE Marketing offers 15 reasons to use Social Media Marketing.

1. Your customers are on social media:

Social media is where many people spend time, get information, and socialize. Having a social media marketing strategy provides visibility. The LYFE Marketing piece says that “According to Statista, 70% of the U.S. population has at least one social media profile. And by 2021, the number of worldwide social media users is expected to reach about 3.1 billion people.” Such an increase in the number of social media users also increases the possibilities of people finding your business.

2. Consumers will be more receptive to your messages:

The casual and fun way in which social media interactions occur. Although most users are on these social media to keep track of their friends, they also follow the things they are interested in.

3. Marketing through social media can help increase brand recognition:

The key is that promoting through social media gives you more visibility and makes you more accessible. It also allows them to share your content with their friends and followers, granting you more potential followers.

4. Marketing through social media increases your inbound traffic:

According to the piece by LYFE Marketing, your social media profiles give you “… another way to get more inbound traffic to your website. This makes marketing through social media an excellent strategy to complement your search engine optimization efforts. Each piece of content that you post to your social media profiles is another opportunity to bring new visitors to your site.”

5. Different social media channels help you reach specific audiences:

When you are marketing, you can target different audiences. Your followers might be the same on Facebook, or Instagram, or LinkedIn. But there is a high percentage of them that only follow you on one of the platforms. Therefore, if you use more than one platform, you create an opportunity to increase and diversify your audience.

6. Social media advertising allows you to target and retarget ideal consumers:

As per LYFE Marketing: “Though social media advertising does require a bit of an up-front investment, social ads can do a lot to complement the organic campaigns that you are running on your social media channels. With sophisticated targeting capabilities, social media platforms like Facebook help you target your ideal buyers, which allows you to drive more relevant traffic to your site.”

7. Marketing through social media is cost-effective:

You don’t need to spend too much money to market on social media. Instead, devote time to study and generate content, and you will probably get good results. Of course, you can spend money on ads to promote content, but generating appealing material and publishing at the right moment can be very helpful.

8. Social media marketing may help improve your search engine rankings:

When you have a strong social media presence, search engines use that for your ranking. If your social media activity is robust and engaging and has good feedback, you get reliability. This translates into a good reputation and might be a factor for search engines to rank your business.

9. Your competition is on social media:

Since all of your competition might already be on social media, your potential customers might be there as well. Your competitors might have been on social media for some time now, which means there are already a lot of possible clients for you as well. Promoting the right way may help you attract those customers to you.

10. Marketing on social media leads to higher conversion rates:

LYFE Marketing says that “According to HubSpot, social media has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing tactics. That could be because every post you make and each interaction you have on your social media channels is an opportunity to convert an interested lead into a happy customer. By building a report with your leads and customers and posting valuable content consistently, your brand can work to improve trust and credibility, which leads to more conversions.”

11. Social media marketing helps improve brand loyalty:

Engaging with your customers and target audiences on social media help you increase customer loyalty. Social media allows you to generate leads. It also provides an easy way to interact with them and get feedback. This can translate into loyalty, as clients will feel more pleased with your customer service and the way you respond to their requests, questions, and complaints.

12. Consumers are looking for recommendations on social media:

Social media is a space where people share their thoughts and opinions. Among those opinions, the one they have about your service can have an impact on your potential customers. It is the new word-of-mouth marketing, and having a social media account for your business will help people recommend you.

13. Social media helps connect your brand with customers you didn’t know:

You may follow specific keywords or analyze the trending topics related to your type of business. This can get you access to people who are making comments on those topics. These people are your potential clients, and you can engage with them thanks to social media.

14. Marketing through social media can help you improve brand authority:

Having valuable content on your social media helps you create brand authority, making you a reliable voice and even a reference. More valuable content will mean more evidence of your expertise, more traffic, and more clientele.

15. Social media marketing allows you to gain new customer insights:

Quoting LYFE Marketing,  “… social media marketing gives you the valuable opportunity to gain new insights into your customers. By interacting with leads and current customers on social media, you can see what your customers are interested in and what drives them.”

Which Social Media platform should you use?

Many sites agree that the top Social Media use in marketing include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others. Web FX provides a list of the top 10, which are pretty much the same as the lists offered everywhere else:

1. Facebook

Daily active users: 1.45 billion
Monthly active users: 2.20 billion
Best use: Engaging your audience, Collecting reviews, Customer service, Advertising

2. Twitter

Monthly active users: 320 million
Best use: Building industry authority, Real-Life updates

3. LinkedIn

Registered users: 562 million
Best use: Reaching B2B prospects and potential employees

4. YouTube

Registered users: Over 1 billion
Best use: Highlighting company culture, Tutorials, Demonstrations

5. Pinterest

Monthly users: Over 175 million
Best use: Sharing products

6. Instagram

Monthly active users: Over 400 million
Best use: Building your brand

7. Google+

Monthly active users: 395 million
Best use: Managing your Google My Business listing

8. Snapchat

Daily active users: 187 million
Best use: Real-Time updates, Promoting events

9. Tumblr

Registered users: 412.8 million
Best use: Reaching a young audience

10. StumbleUpon

Registered users: 25 million
Best use: Increasing site traffic

Don’t forget blogging!

Please, don’t forget blogging! An excellent blog is a good means to draw attention to your goods and services. Blogs generate reliable content you can create on social media. Keep your blog active with engaging content. You will get more traffic into it, and more people knocking on your virtual door to do business with you.

Final thoughts on Social Media as a Marketing Tool

Marketing through social media can be done either by your marketing team or by yourself. The advantages are limitless, and the reach you can get is enormous. It would be helpful if you created your content intentionally and targeted your audiences effectively. Remember marketing will be more effective because of the quality of your content and the feedback provided on your social media platforms by happy customers.
So, choose what social media you want to use for your business and start promoting and engaging. It would be useful if you chose those you are more comfortable with to make your work easier. You can get a lot of clients through that.

Why should you hire marketing experts?

Marketing experts, are they necessary?

Should You Spend Money in Marketing?

Imagine you are starting a small business and need to invest carefully to avoid wasting money. You have done all the numbers and your small company needs to take off. For that, you need to attract people to hire your services, buy your product, or visit your place.

How can you achieve that?

marketing team

It will help if you market your business.

Marketing might not be something you want to spend money on, especially if you don’t have a lot of resources. You don’t want to spend on advertising or hiring marketing experts in case you fail to generate the necessary revenue. However, without a big initial budget, it is possible AND essential to pay for ads, hire marketing experts, or both.

Why use experts?

To make a new business grow, you need to attract clientele. Whether it is a restaurant, or a car dealership, or a hair salon, you can promote your biz by word of mouth. But today’s world is highly competitive, and entrepreneurs are no exception. Word of mouth and fliers alone will not lure customers into your business. DIY-ing your social media might not give you the desired results.
If marketing were easy, there would not be marketing careers, online courses, or marketing experts. They exist for a reason: to spare you of the painstaking process of having to organize ideas, generate content, create organic followers, and attract clients.  Big billboards, bench signs, bus signs, and taxi signs still work. But the internet has revolutionized the marketing world as well.

Why pay for marketing?

Business.com,  Inc.com, and Digital Entrepreneurs stress the importance of marketing. You should keep in mind that it’s better to hire experts to do a job you are not familiar with.

We share some of those reasons:

Experts will use modern marketing methods and strategies.

Modern marketing is continuously evolving and it requires many different skill sets. Running a business, especially if you are a solopreneur, makes it harder to do everything by yourself. You would have to learn it all and take time to practice. In the end, you would have to devote more time to market the business than to run it.

Experts will develop creative and interactive resources.

Creating engaging text, although important, is not enough. There are resources, like videos, podcasts, infographics, banners, and headers. All of that, coupled with the text (which should be truthful, well-written, and SEO-friendly), requires additional training and skills. Depending on the complexity of the message, this can be even harder for the average person. That’s why marketing experts are necessary.

Experts are cost-effective

If you choose to do it yourself, it could be a slow process. You would have to learn how to work with different tools, and you might not be able to focus on your role as a business owner. Appointing a person without proper qualifications could be even more harmful and end up being very costly.

Whether you hire a marketing company or create your team in-house, you would be saving money. Hiring the right professionals for the job will bring you good results. It is an investment, and the outcome would translate into more customers, more business, and more money.

Experts will help you build your brand.

Even many social media addicts fail to comprehend the tricks of Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. A single mistake can end up being unfavorable for your business reputation or your social media engagement. That’s why it comes handy to have a team member in charge of monitoring engagement, interacting with your audience and exploring the trends.

Experts will help you develop your website concept.

Business.com says: “A marketing campaign will fail if the business doesn’t have a well-designed website and a carefully crafted brand presence. A website is the foundation of all marketing campaigns and needs to provide a good user experience to visitors, regardless of the platform they approach it from.”

It also adds “Your website should be easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, SEO-friendly, quick to load on all platforms, aesthetically pleasing, and informative. It should be designed following your branding to ensure it conveys the right message to your target audience.”

The role of Utility Avenue

When you think of it, Utility Avenue is a marketing tool. It is free advertising. As more people use the app, there are more and more potential clients for those who promote their business or side gigs through our platform. So, Utility Avenue is a marketing tool that is free to use and charges you ONLY fifty cents when you sell a service.

Final thoughts on using a marketing team to scale your business.

According to Web Strategies Inc., Business-to-consumer (B2C) service companies devoted 15.6% of revenue to marketing, while business-to-business (B2B) ones did 8.6%.
If the numbers are so high, it’s because marketing brings clients and creates business opportunities. Whether you build in-house or hire an outside team, discuss your goals with the marketing team. Also, please pay close attention to their suggestions. They might have ideas to improve the business that you hadn’t thought of.
So, as a business owner, think about marketing as a way to scale your business and be limitless.

COROrecession: Impact of the Pandemic-Caused Recession

Impact of the Pandemic-Caused Recession

Impact of the Pandemic-Caused Recession

COVID19 has caused a challenging situation worldwide, with over 15.5 million confirmed cases and over 634,000 deaths. The United States, for instance, stands at 4.12 million cases and 147,000 casualties (as per last Friday). Although recovering, the US is facing a severe economic problem, which reflects on the rest of the world.

With social distancing measures and the closing of businesses, some people found themselves looking for a way to make ends meet. Some were able to work from home, find side gigs to perform remotely, or had reduced working hours, but continued to make some money. For those who were not considered essential workers, the government approved a relief package. Nevertheless, the economy of the nation needs people to work. The more people are going back to their normal lives, the better for the economy and the faster the recovery.

Impact of the Pandemic-Caused Recession

According to a UN report, the global economy “is projected to shrink by 3.2 percent in 2020. Under the baseline scenario, GDP growth in developed countries will plunge to –5.0 percent in 2020, while the output of developing countries will shrink by 0.7 percent. The projected cumulative output losses during 2020 and 2021—nearly $8.5 trillion—will wipe out nearly all output gains of the previous four years.” 

And adds:

Lockdowns and the closing of national borders enforced by governments have paralyzed economic activities across the board, laying off millions of workers worldwide. Governments across the world are rolling out fiscal stimulus measures—equivalent overall to roughly 10 percent of the world GDP —to fight the pandemic and minimize the impact of a catastrophic economic downturn.”

Is every country affected?

Nations with strong economies will get severely damaged, but they will find their way back to the right track, as long as they manage to control the pandemic. However, those countries will have worrisome numbers in terms of unemployment and the damage inflicted upon small businesses.

Developing countries, on the other hand, will suffer even more. With the pandemic came travel restrictions, and trade was severely affected. Some small countries, mainly islands in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, etc., will rely on tourism to increase their GDP. No tourism, no growth. No growth, more crisis.

This situation is not exclusive to countries that have reported cases of the virus. If the economy gets almost paralyzed in most of the planet, there is little to zero chance that any nation will come out of it unscathed. Nearly every state needs trade to survive.

As a result, some countries or regions had to open up for tourism without having completely eradicated the disease. What followed for many was a resurgence of contagion and a return to the lockdown measures.

According to a World Bank report entitled The Global Economic Outlook During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Changed World:

“In the face of this disquieting outlook, the immediate priority for policymakers is to address the health crisis and contain short-term economic damage. Over the longer term, authorities need to undertake comprehensive reform programs to improve the fundamental drivers of economic growth once the crisis lifts.”

How has this affected the US?

The number of cases in the United States increases dramatically with the day, while mortality rates have gone low. The situation has led to a very high level of concern in America. The government took measures that included a stimulus check. A relaxation of the quarantine made it possible for people to go back to work. Besides, the government announced a second stimulus bill.

CNET offers a list of coronavirus updates in Coronavirus recession: When will recovery start and what it means for you:

Latest coronavirus recession news:

– An average of about 1.5 million people per week filed for state and federal unemployment benefits in June, according to the Labor Department, marking 16 straight weeks of over 1 million unemployment applications. Before coronavirus, the record was nearly 700,000 claims in 1982, the New York Times reported.

– According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate, which had surged to 14.7% in April, fell to 11.1% in June, which is still higher than in any year since 1940.

The Federal Reserve predicts US gross domestic product will shrink by about 35% for the second quarter of 2020.

– We’re still waiting on new numbers to confirm two consecutive quarters of economic contraction — the definition of “recession” used by most economists.

– According to the World Bank, humanity has experienced 14 global recessions since 1870, the last being the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009. The organization projects that this one will be the worst since World War II.

What to expect? What to do?

With these things in mind, there is room for concern, but also a reason to push forward. The pandemic has generated despair not only because of the infected people and the many casualties. Both the global and individual economies are taking significant hits. Entrepreneurs are among the most affected since some made considerable investments to start or expand their businesses.

Countries that have relapsed should reconsider their reopening strategies and measures because obviously, they did not work—the examples of those that are successfully reopening stand for others to follow.

Without a vaccine, the reopening of the countries should come along with measures in terms of restrictions, social distancing, and sterilization, whether we like them or not. Entrepreneurs will need such measures to resume their business operations. The longer it takes for them to open, the more money they fail to make, and the longer to recover financially.

Some entrepreneurs have found success during the pandemic. This happened because their businesses worked remotely or because they focused on trading essential goods or services. Others decided to readapt to the new reality and add safety protocols so they could stay active. Restaurants, for instance, turned into food delivery, something they can add to their services once the crisis is over.

Others have stopped providing services, but are working on strategies to reopen successfully and with better safety measures. Small business owners always try to figure out ways to get better. This downtime has allowed them to regroup. It has also been useful to find better methods to advertise, provide their services, and make more money.

Final Thoughts about the Impact of the Pandemic-Caused Recession

The impact of the pandemic-caused recession is evident. It is essential to understand that, for the time being, we need to learn to coexist with Covid-19. Even after they find a vaccine, there will continue to be contagion for a while. What is also worth noting is that even with the spread still active, the number of casualties has dropped. This shows that most countries are doing a better job with contact-tracing and testing to stop the disease.

A vaccine will come one day. 

This crisis is not going to be over soon. We need to find a way to cut the spread so that we can go back to normal. In the meantime, it is time to plan, redesign, and restructure business strategies, focusing on a post-pandemic scenario. Finding an online side gig might also be a solution, at least for as long as this crisis lasts.

If you find yourself in any of these situations, do not let any of this discourage you.

You are alive, and you are healthy. As challenging as this might be, there will be a way out.

We just need patience, determination, creativity, and drive to find it.