Spotlight: Networking, by Giovanni Savo

May 14, 2020

What is Networking?


Why do we network? What is it about going into the world, live or virtually, to find other people to connect with?  The awkwardness of the first few minutes, the elevator pitch girl, the canned opening lines, the throwing business card guy, the guys who just go to drink, the guys who only go to find a date. What is this all about? What is this ritual that we partake in after a full day of work, on aching feet, and with tired smiles?

Networking is pure magic when your heart is in the right place, and you go to make authentic connections in a plastic world. The feel of a sincere handshake, a real smile of someone who is fighting for their dreams, is such an incredible feeling.   

The magic of networking is the giving of yourself when you want to ask for a connection. The beauty of networking is when you want a lead and need a close but give one instead: when you go to listen to people about their business, their challenges, their joy and pain, and you connect authentically to their stories.  

We live in a microwave culture. Everything is done in 2 minutes. When you take this approach to networking, you have a network of zero value and built like a house of (business) cards. The art of communication is being lost. The selfishness of right-now me and immediate business is so counter to building a lasting, long term relationship that it shocks me that so many people do not see this.  

A genuine networking relationship is based on competence, trust, and respect. It takes time to build a stable and valuable connection. The beauty of networking is that you come across beautiful people: dreamers, go-getters, funny, smart, and witty. These are people who will add value to your life, both in business and personally.  They would proudly refer you to your friends and family without being asked.  They call you and give your number to a friend or client who is waiting for your call.

Networking is work. ‘Work’ is in the word itself. It is a process that takes time. It is never-ending, and it might sometimes be heartbreaking. But it is so worth it. Because when you come across someone from your tribe and you vibe with them, the bond is real, and it amplifies your connection. 

I have spent the last 4+ years going to events at bars, coffee shops, speed networking events. More than once, I was the only one at an event. I have attended organized events, crappy events, virtual events, and some that have walked in on and then right out.  But, over this time, I have met some incredible people who are now dear friends. They have enriched my life and have left a real mark. I have done business with some and referred business to others. 

Building a network is hard work. There are also fundamentals that you can rely on to start and focus your efforts to yield good reliable results. It is a process that needs to be practiced and worked.

  • Try various platforms that showcase and broadcast events in your city.
  • Try different types of events, different formats, and even different times of the day.
  • Practice the art of listening.

Connecting and listening to people is the key to success. When you walk into an event, have the mindset of “who am I going to meet today that will change my life?” and “who am I going to meet so I can change theirs?”. Follow up, follow up, follow up. This is so critical to success in networking; it can’t be overstated.

In my next guest post, I am going to write about networking skills and how to use them.

Final words about networking

In summary, some people approach networking like a hunting expedition: looking for a kill, a score, a sale. When I look at these types of networkers, I see a slaughterhouse of broken promises, speedy deals, and empty relationships. For me, networking is like farming, cultivating, working, sacrificing, providing energy, passion, and nurturing relationships. When I look at my network, I see a flourishing garden, full of promise, potential, endless abundance, and beauty. This ever-growing network is full of amazing people from all walks of life, all industries, all levels of skills, diverse and competent.

I hope you find joy in the work, the commitment, the time, and the results of building your network. In the future, you will have priceless friends, and you will become a valuable addition to people’s lives as well.      

Contact Info:

Giovanni Savo: Proud husband and father of 3 children.  An entrepreneur for 25 years as a small business owner in retail and wholesale.  Now five years into my journey as a Financial Coach,  where I work with people to navigate their finances and accomplish their goals and dreams.


LinkedIn: @giovannisavo

IG: @giosavo21