12 Hobbies that can be Moneymakers

hobbies can be moneymakers

Some hobbies can be moneymakers! Have you ever thought that what you love doing can also make you money? A job can take up your time and energy, but a hobby is something you usually do for fun. It takes out the stress and serves as an escape valve for the daily pressure, but you could make a living with it. Some people have turned their passions into real professions, and have succeeded.

Last week, we talked about the reasons why making money with Utility Avenue is a good idea. This week, we have brainstormed some hobbies that can also be moneymakers. Some of them might be limited due to the COVID-19 situation worldwide, but others can be put into practice right now. Maybe YOUR hobby can make you money! All you need is a little bit of imagination and the will to get it done.

Hobbies that can be moneymakers


If you are a baseball player, a tennis player, or a swimmer, there are many ideas. How many times have you heard your coaches repeat instructions? How many times have you practiced those routines yourself? You can start passing all that valuable knowledge onto others. Also, you can easily set up your webcam and do it through video online. Check what  Billy Ripken has done, and that can give you an idea. You can also be a judge, umpire or referee since sometimes school or local championships need a person to call the game.


If you love cooking, creating a Youtube chef show to teach how to cook is an option. You could prepare unique family recipes, or invite potential students to your kitchen, and have them assist while they also learn from you. Another idea could be having people make requests for what they want you to prepare and pay for you to have the final product delivered to them.


Apply the same concept can to a bartender. It is easy to find recipes online, but if you have that magic touch that makes a drink “The Drink”, and you can prepare it with style, check this. You could create a Youtube channel to teach people how to make them YOUR way. It would be a fun experience that could also help you earn some cash.


If you love fishing and you have a boat, you can host a “fisherman invitation” to have guest fishermen with you. If they are professionals, you could charge for the ride. But if they are amateurs, you can also charge for teaching them the little tricks that make you get that big catch. Don’t you have a boat? In that case, be the instructor for those who don’t know much about fishing and have a boat.


Dancing and music are perhaps two of the most popular hobbies ever. Some people also have a natural gift to teach. So, how about taking your dancing or music skills and help those who are eager for a patient professor? You can do this either in person or online, so don’t let COVID-19 discourage you. You can make the popular salsa and tango available online. And if music is your gig, you can teach people how to play your instrument.


Loose power plugs, stuck window frames, stiff doorknobs: nothing gets in your way when it comes to fixing things. And you enjoy it. If you enjoy doing stuff around the house, put your name out there. Someone might need your expertise: either making renovations or helping people move, a handyman is always necessary. So, you can start making money out of that hobby.


Having teaching skills is not enough to succeed at that. People need to love it. If you are among those who do, you could help others. Right now, elementary school kids are not the only ones who need it. Some more advanced students can need help with math, writing essays, reviewing essays, and some more. If you have the time and you enjoy this, you can help others while you also help yourself make some extra money.


Your language skills are unique. Your grammar is perfect in two or more languages. You have a good memory, and your delivery rate is incredible. So, you can turn all that into an interpreting gig. You can easily offer your services to people needing someone to interpret a formal meeting or a hospital visit.


Photography is an excellent example of hobbies that can be moneymakers. It is a great privilege to be able to give people the gift of memories. You can focus on street, landscape, portrait, wedding, or macro photography. In time, you can start offering photography services. At the same time, you can also give photography tips to photography enthusiasts. Everyone needs some guidance when they start, and you can be that person.

Video/Video editing:

Video making can be an excellent way to generate income: all you need is a camera with video capabilities, the skill to do it, and a computer to edit the footage you take. You can also help others with their videos. Editing can be annoying for some people who don’t have a lot of free time and are willing to pay for someone to do it.


Some people have the passion and the skill for putting thoughts into words. If you have an in-depth writing knowledge, you could start your blog and post about your preferred subject, from arts to politics, to sports. A good platform option could be WordPress, but you can also use Blogspot or Medium, among others.

Dog-sitting/ Dog-walking:

For the god lovers out there, dog-sitting or dog-walking could be a hobby that can also be a moneymaker. After all, you love the company of pets, and you will get paid to work surrounded by love.

Final Words

If you have any of these hobbies, it might be a good idea to start a new venture. You never know, right? As Bill Gates once said: “Paul and I, we never thought that we would make much money out of the thing. We just loved writing software.” He never expected to become a millionaire by doing something he loved.

These are some ideas of hobbies that can be moneymakers, but there are more. Let us know in the comments about others.

Hobbies can also be moneymakers. Don’t forget that you would be getting paid to have fun.

And that is priceless.

10 Reasons to Make Money with Utility Avenue

Making money and promoting yourself is one of the biggest challenges when you start a new business. While looking for alternatives, many questions come up: Which is the right platform? How much will I have to pay? How much control will I have over how I manage my clients? Will it be useful?  Emerging businesses usually do not have much to spend. The fear of wasting money on meaningless investments is big. If you are searching for an effective way to promote your business/side hustle and make money, you have come to the right place. Utility Avenue is a community marketplace where you can turn your skills and hobbies into income. Make money with what you love and know.

At Utility Avenue, we believe the people providing the services should obtain the most benefits. We believe those who get the job done should get the lion’s share. That is why you pay only 0.50 cents when you successfully sell a service. We are in the business of helping you increase your revenue. Last week, we shared a list of reasons why you should use our platform. Now, we present to you ten benefits of using this platform to promote and sell your services.

Make more money when you sell your services with Utility Avenue.

You don’t lose money to an intermediary.

None likes to lose money. That’s why we obliterated the middleman out of the equation. With Utility Avenue, you can sell your services directly to the client and get paid immediately. 

You make more money

Some platforms will take up to 60% of the price, which is not fair. Because there is no intermediary, Utility Avenue can charge only 0.50 cents when you successfully sell a service, and you keep the rest of the money. This way, you can double your profit. 

You are the boss

Utility Avenue grants you full control to sell your services in a way that is suitable for your business/side hustle. First, you set pricing, availability, and every single detail of your services. Third, you establish your policies. Last, you can also decide how to manage your business and which clients to accept or reject. Perhaps, the most significant impact Utility Avenue can have on is that it brings control, flexibility, and better earnings. It gives you freedom and independence. 

Your clients are YOUR clients.

Communication between providers and clients is direct. As a result, if the platform disappears — We are not going, though. We are here for the long run–you keep your customers. That is our guarantee. You earn your clients’ trust and grow your network by providing excellent customer service. Clients will respect you because they understand you are a business owner.

Clients choose you

As communication is direct and transparent, at Utility Avenue, you will have the opportunity to make more money and grow if you do things right. You will get clients’ loyalty when you provide exceptional service, great value, and excellent customer service. That kind of work excellence will grant you more clients, partners, and allies. It will also open doors for future businesses.

You get flexibility

Utility Avenue gives you the power to have diversity within your services and widen the scope of your offer. This platform encourages and fosters evolution and diversification. When you diversify your offerings, you will get more clients, which means more income.  Both clients and providers can customize the service as much as needed, and they can also modify the price after negotiation.

You get visibility

Advertising is one of the most expensive investments. Utility Avenue provides free advertising so you would be more visible and accessible for potential clients. Clients come to you. Therefore, you would not have to worry about finding ways to advertise your services while saving money. 

You get value

Launching a platform like Utility Avenue can cost up to half a million dollars, but small businesses are not able to pay for that. That’s why we created it for you. So you can make money, save money, and focus on what matters most: family.

You reduce costs

Utility Avenue is always trying to find new ways to reduce costs for users. It dramatically reduces the value of client acquisition, marketing, and technology development. Also, when the amount of providers increases, there will come a reduction in expenses, because negotiations with suppliers should become more manageable.

You get social media support.

Utility Avenue integrates with social media. This enables you to promote your services and special offers. It also fosters the concept of social media support to help you create and cement your brand. 

Final words

French author, journalist, and philosopher Albert Camus once said, “Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.” In Utility Avenue, we want to help you turn your skills and hobbies into income by creating your business/side hustle. Make more money while selling your services. So, don’t wait too long: download the app and start using Utility Avenue to promote your services. 

You have so much to gain.

Why Should You Download Utility Avenue?


utility avenue logo with peopleWhy Should You Download Utility Avenue?

Every time you run into a new online platform, the first questions that come to mind are “What is it?”, “Why should I use it?'” and How will it benefit me?”. The most significant doubt is “What’s the catch?” as some platforms will start with generous offers, and then they change their approach.

 When you find Utility Avenue, the questions just pop up in your head. 

Hey, we get it. 

We would be doing the same thing. We would wonder: “Is it secure and effective?”Is my information protected?”Is it easy to use?”.

Our team has addressed these concerns. That is why it is our duty and our pleasure to give you a list of reasons why you should use our platform.

First of all, what is Utility Avenue? Utility Avenue is a community marketplace for you to turn your skills and hobbies into income, and to find service providers easily. It barely consumes battery, data, memory, or space. It allows you to use it efficiently, with speed, quality, and comfort.

There is no intermediary. 

A middleman controls the price and keeps providers and customers from making the transaction directly. Well, Utility Avenue IS NOT a middleman. As a result, prices drop to fair amounts. It also gives you total control of who renders the service. As the customer, you choose. 

There is no trick  

What you see is what you get, meaning that only government taxes and merchant fees will be added to the price. If there is an increase in price, it has to be negotiated directly with the provider. This will give you financial protection, and also the autonomy to decide whether you hire that particular provider or not.

 There is direct client-provider communication. 

With Utility Avenue, there will always be direct client-provider contact. That way, you can explain your request before choosing a provider. You will not be dealing with a computer, but with a person, so the services get humanized.

It is transparent

Providers are companies with a tax ID, something that makes them more responsible and protects you. Furthermore, both customers and providers have full access to the same app, so there is no catch.

 It is secure

Security is another primary concern, and Utility Avenue has understood the importance of providing high security. It does not store credit/debit card information. The app uses Braintree for process payments, so privacy is protected. Finally, Utility Avenue uses Firebase from Google. Anyone trying to hack the app will have to hack Google itself, not Utility Avenue. So, your banking information and your personal information are more than secured.

All of the above. Why not? 

Reasons why you should download Utility Avenue

Just think for a second. All of the above gives you enough reason for you to, at least, give it a try. Thanks to all the guarantees Utility Avenue provides, there is nothing to lose and a lot to gain. While it helps you find providers for the services you might need, you can also become a provider and promote yourself on the platform. That way, you will also be able to turn your skills and hobbies into extra income.

Frank Sonnenberg, in Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, said, “If you don’t try, you forfeit the opportunity.” Give yourself a chance and use the platform. The results will help you decide.

 Next week, we will let you know the benefits Utility Avenue brings you as a provider.

The Remote Newbie Guide to Work-From-Home

Utility Avenue website on a workplace


Work from home is the new normal. With the coronavirus pandemic going on, we have gotten caught in what seems like a scene of Outbreak. It looks way too sci-fi, but it’s real. We are all in an unexpected situation where working remotely has become an everyday thing.

Truth is: adjusting to working from home can be challenging. Good thing? You don’t have to spend two hours a day stuck in traffic (who likes that?), and you are in the comfort of your own house. But that can also be a little too distracting, mainly if you do not live alone. 

Last week, we posted ten work-from-home job ideas for you to make money. This week, we will give you ten hacks for adjusting to the new normal and being more productive. If you are a remote newbie, this is for you.

The Newbie Guide to Work-From-Home Hack

Design a weekly schedule:

not only a to-do list but also a timetable so you can organize your time and optimize it. Focus on three main tasks a day: the ones that you NEED to do. Set goals and stick to them, but don’t be too harsh on yourself when there is a detour. Life happens.

Change clothes:

Dress like you are going to work or, at least, wear a casual outfit, because you may have to video chat potential clients or coworkers. Also, there is something psychological about changing your pj’s that makes you feel “ready”. Even better if you wear shoes!

Create a dedicated workspace:

It should be comfortable, but also work-centered. Also, set boundaries with your family/roommates. They need to understand that, while you are at your “office”, you should not be interrupted. 

Stay connected:

Make sure that your internet is working correctly and stay in touch with your team so everyone is on the same page in getting the tasks done. You can also use organizational and productivity tools

Take breaks:

Some people set their alarms, so they take their breaks. We suggest doing it. Try the Pomodoro method to be more productive. Short breaks can help you catch your breath to start over again. Don’t forget to take coffee/cigarette breaks when you need them.  Also, make sure that you have lunch at the appropriate time.

Play music:

Some people who have been working from home for years even suggest that you turn on the TV and put the volume down so you hear something since working from home can become rather silent.

Stay active:

Sitting on the computer all day can be detrimental to your health. So, try to get some physical activity: either by having a workout regime or by walking around the house. If you like yoga, we recommend Yoga with Adriene. Simply, the best.

Separate work from home and vice versa:

A right work/life balance is essential. Even if it’s hard, try to do your chores beforehand, so you are not thinking about them when you work. At the same time, when your workday is over, the “office” has to be shut down.


Even if it is via cell phone or video chat, socialize with your friends. That helps you disconnect from work and bring some joy and entertainment to your life. You can also host a virtual happy with your colleagues!

Spend quality time with your family:

Once work is over, remember that your family has been all day eager to spend some time with you. Have dinner together, talk, watch a movie. It will help your mental state to get ready for the next day. For self-love and self-care routines, check this article.

More than anything, keep in mind that you have control of things in your house, so whatever you can do will always depend on yourself and how you get things organized.

10 Best Work-From-Home Jobs to Make Money Now

work from home jobs

10 Best Work-From-Home Jobs to Make Money Now

With the coronavirus pandemic spreading throughout the world, many have lost their jobs in the last few weeks and 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Since social distancing is key for flattening the curve, work-from-home jobs are the best solution.

If you can use technology to make some profit, the time is now. This way, you could cover any income gap you might be experiencing.

Here, there are the best ten work-from-home jobs we found:

1- Virtual assistant

Do you have any marketable skills? Do you have good communication skills? Can you provide any type of virtual assistance to people? You can become a virtual assistant. From bookkeeping, to technical support, people need guidance and they are willing to pay for it. Don’t be shy, market your tools and be ready to use them. Stay online and be fast to respond to all requests of potential clients.

2- Translator

Are you fluent in more than one language? Do your grammatical skills pair with those of your mother tongue? Are you a good writer? If the answer to these questions is yes, you can work from home as a translator. With the help of the Internet and automated translation tools, you can enhance your translation skills. You can also enter discussion groups and forums to debate about better ways to translate certain terms.

3- Tutor

Are you personable? Do you have skills teaching others and explaining things to make them look simpler? You can start tutoring online. As schools are still closed, kids will need tutoring. You can provide tutoring through video chat. Your knowledge will not be the only thing you can provide, as you can also recommend different sources for your students to read and research.

4- Bookkeeper

Do you have knowledge in accounting? Are you good at spreadsheets? Do you know how to deduct money flows and keep track of it? Those are requirements that can make you really good at bookkeeping. Keeping records of people’s transactions—mainly from the business standpoint—is something that can be done from home. Make sure your clients keep you briefed on all transactions, and keep track of all operations.

5- Tax preparer

If you have knowledge of accounting and making tax reports is something that comes easily for you, maybe it is time to start monetizing those skills. Preparing other people’s taxes is not an easy task, and getting paid for it will require even more attention and caution, but you can definitely do it. Get all the information from your clients, double-check with them and stay in constant communication via phone or chat.

6- Video editor

You love video. But more than that, you love playing with video editing software and are really good at it. For years, you have been making carefully-edited videos of every family celebration. Now, haven’t you thought about creating professionally mixed photos and videos for people that might need them? Video editing only requires you to have the software to do it, and a lot of creativity. If you want to know which are the best top 6 free video editing software, check this article.

7- Online shopper

Are you good at finding special products online? Do you know how to make a value assessment of the price and the quality of the product? Do you know which online store sells what people actually need? Those are skills that can be marketed since some people have problems finding what they really need online. As some services might collapse in the upcoming days, you can become more necessary and useful. Be sure to engage with clients and try to understand what they really need so you can come up with the best deal for them. They will appreciate it.

8- Programmer

If you are good with source code and program languages, you can market those skills online. While some companies are postponing their projects, others are still up and running and a good programmer is always necessary. Think of those who had personal projects that required good IT to put together, and they had not done it because they were too busy. Now they are at home and you might be exactly what they are looking for.

9- Medical interpreter

Are you fluently bilingual and have medical knowledge? This comes in handy in the current scenario. Many patients will get to the Emergency Rooms with very low or zero English communication skills. Stay on a hotline or make sure that your WhatsApp is active to take any calls at any given time. You can either be on call 24 hours a day or simply narrow your services down to a certain timeframe. In any case, be ready to work.

10- Community manager

Are you a social media geek? Do you handle Facebook, Twitter, and every other social media swiftly? Do you enjoy interacting with groups and connecting with people through hashtags? Those are skills that will make you a very good community manager. Businesses are not the only ones that need a Community Manager, since they can work for schools, hospitals, media outlets, etc. There might be a job for you out there!

Final thoughts about work-from-home jobs

When you decide which service, or services, you can provide, create the conditions to start working. First of all, make sure you have everything you need: a fully functional computer, all the programs you need, and Internet access. Second, create a schedule to optimize time. Then, organize your workspace, make a nice cup of coffee or tea, or play some music. If there are harmony and peace around you, you will have ensured a better chance for success.

While you create new ways to provide income for you and your family, just be safe. If you need the platform to promote your new services and market your skills online, Utility Avenue gives you the solution.

Utility Avenue is a community marketplace where you can turn your hobbies and skills into services so you can start making money right now.